Background Verification

A genuine background is one of the most important parameters of ideal recruitment along with talent and compatibility. When people are credible and trustworthy, they can be entrusted with crucial roles and responsibilities in an organization. But unfortunately, not all recruits are genuine.

Many candidates have dubious qualification certificates, suspicious experience letters & salary slips, manipulated work duration and even questionable work exposure

Also, many candidates hide their history of switching organizations, which might be risky if you’re looking out for long-term prospects.
AMS employs a rigorous Background Verification process to ensure that none of these problems occur at your workplace. The verification process includes screening, validating documents, verifying credentials and conducting reference checks. We employ advanced technology to ensure that no stone is unturned as far as the background screening is concerned.
Our Background Verification process helps businesses in informed decision making by assessing the track record of the candidate. It avoids the chances of insider threats,  frauds, and activities that impact the brand image and organization as a whole.

That impact the brand image and organization as a whole.